
Five surprising spring bloomers

Flowering plants are always welcome, but especially so in spring. Not only because they give your garden fragrance, colour and cheerfulness. After the winter, every indigenous flower counts as food for insects such as bees. We highlight five surprising spring bloomers that you will enjoy in your garden.

1. Special bulbs
Crocuses, daffodils and tulips are always good as spring flowers. But there are more surprising flower bulbs, such as the Iris. These bulbs produce beautiful purple flowers. Not every iris is hardy and the bulbs are sometimes damaged by damp or vole damage. So put them in a spacious pot with good drainage. Place a nice pot at the front door, on the balcony or on your terrace.

2. Perennials: lungwort and cyclamen
Perennials that flower early? There is plenty of variation. Consider cyclamen. They do well not only at home. The species Cyclamen coum is an early bloomer. There are many varieties with white, pink and purple flowers.

Lungwort is a very strong plant that does not attract much attention, except in early spring. Then, not only the dotted leaves of these perennials are the first to emerge. The blue, pink and purple flowers also pop in your garden. Because this perennial is indigenous, bees can find food there. There are also beautiful cultivated forms, such as Pulmonaria rubra, with bright red flowers.

3. Early flowering clematis
There are many types of woodland vine or Clematis. A surprising variety is Clematis armandii. It blooms with white, star-shaped flowers. They smell wonderful, bloom with many flowers and provide your garden with beautiful white flowers as early as April.

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